Sunday Services
Our morning service takes place at 11am every Sunday. We meet together in the church building and online via YouTube. If you would like to watch online, you can do so by clicking here. By following that link, you will also be able to access all of our previous live-streamed services. We’d love to see you any Sunday in person or online!
Our services are usually a mix of traditional and contemporary with some music being led by the organ and our robed choir and others being led by our praise band. We try our best to achieve a ‘blended’ style of worship which caters to the variety of preferences within our congregation.
Youth & Children at Fisherwick
Young people and children of all ages are very welcome at all of our services. At Fisherwick, everyone stays in the service together for the opening hymn and prayer. Following that, we have a short children’s talk after which children and young people can leave to attend their age-specific activity. At present, all pre-school age children gather together in the Minor Hall. There is a small creché area for the littlest ones. The older ones will read a bible story and usually do a craft as well. Parents are welcome to leave their children here and return to church but are equally welcome to stay with their children if they prefer. ‘Kingfishers’ is our group for primary school aged children and they meet together upstairs in the Wilson Room. All children are very welcome. Our youth meet in the Youth Room for Disciples. If you have any questions about any of these activities and whether they would be suitable for your children and/or young people, please get in touch.